بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Everyone in this world is fearful of something. The emotion is a powerful one. It can drive you to ruin or enable you to achieve great things. Understanding this is important, especially when we consider the reality that we are currently faced with. On one side, we have the Muslim rulers … Continue reading Fear Leads to Success or Ruin
Month: July 2024
Gaza: The War of Jewish Illusions and Dreams of a Greater Jewish State
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Gaza: The War of Jewish Illusions and Dreams of a Greater Jewish State(Translated) https://www.al-waie.org/archives/article/19388Al Waei Magazine Issue 455In its 39th Year, Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH, Corresponding to July 2024 CEDr. Muhammad Gilani No one can believe that the war waged by the Jewish entity in Gaza, Rafah and northern Palestine is merely … Continue reading Gaza: The War of Jewish Illusions and Dreams of a Greater Jewish State
Rioting for Rights
News: Bangladesh crawls back to normalcy after more than a week of violent clashes that killed nearly 200 people. Most of the country remained without internet access, but thousands of cars were on the streets of the capital Dhaka after authorities relaxed a curfew for seven hours. (Independent.co.uk) Comment: The recent clashes in Bangladesh may … Continue reading Rioting for Rights
The Mali-Niger-Burkina Faso Tripartite Union
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Answer to QuestionThe Mali-Niger-Burkina Faso Tripartite Union(Translated) Question: On Saturday, 6 July 2024, the leaders of the military juntas of Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali announced at a summit in Niamey, the capital of Niger, that they had signed a confederation agreement. Is there an international force behind this announcement? If … Continue reading The Mali-Niger-Burkina Faso Tripartite Union
The Truth of the Petrodollar Agreement
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Answer to QuestionThe Truth of the Petrodollar Agreement(Translated) Question: Al-Hurra website published, 18/6/2024: (Recently, news sites have widely circulated reports talking about a Saudi-American Agreement in 1974, under which Saudi Arabia would use the dollar in all its oil sales. According to those reports, this agreement and its duration of 50 … Continue reading The Truth of the Petrodollar Agreement
An-Nahdah (Revival) – Introduction
This is taken from the book “An-Nahdah (Revival)” by Hafiz Saalih An-Nahdah (Revival) – Linguistic and terminological meanings: The word ‘An-Nahdah’ is an Arabic word derived from the verb Nahada (نَهَضَ) which means Qaama (to stand) however it has begun to be used with an Istilaahi (terminological definition) meaning which indicates a specific reality. This … Continue reading An-Nahdah (Revival) – Introduction
An Introduction to Western Capitalist Thought: Its Origin, Its Essence and Refutation
This is taken from the book "Refutation of the Capitalist Western Thought as an Ideology, Civilization and Culture" Thought is the intellect and comprehension. It is called thought though it means thinking i.e. the thinking process and passing judgment upon things and matters. It also means the result of thinking i.e. what a man arrives … Continue reading An Introduction to Western Capitalist Thought: Its Origin, Its Essence and Refutation
Muharram & the Fall of Fir’awn
Allah (Subhanhu Wa Ta'aala) said in Surah Al-Qasas; “Ta Seen Meem. These are Verses of the Book that makes (things) clear. We rehearse to you some of the story of Musa and Fir’awn (Pharaoh) in Truth for people who believe. Truly Fir’awn exalted himself in the land and broke up its people into sections depressing … Continue reading Muharram & the Fall of Fir’awn
The Twisted Hikmah
"You have to use Hikmah, brother" one often hears. "Yes we agree with you 100%, but Hikmah must be used", and "You are too aggressive, use some Hikmah" are on the tongue’s of many Muslims. Such a concept exists among active and non-active Muslims alike. Its validity or invalidity therefore must be discussed.First, the concept … Continue reading The Twisted Hikmah
Islam and Spirituality
The origin of the use of the word ‘spirit’ is found in the discussions that took place between people who believe in the existence of God, frequently using words such as ‘spirit’ and ‘spirituality’ to articulate the effect of a creator. One of the most misunderstood areas of Islam amongst the Ummah is this very … Continue reading Islam and Spirituality