Question: The following came in the book of Funds, in the second paragraph of p. 174 “and these reliable (covered with gold) banknotes consider the covered ratio of them as representative banknotes ……… ….. (and it says at the end of the paragraph) …..if they did not amount to forty dinars, then there is no … Continue reading Fiat Money and Zakah
Month: March 2011
Obliging Zakat upon Crops and Fruits?
Question: It came in p. 97, at the end of the third line in the book of the Draft Constitution, Volume II the following text: “As regards the words of Allah, The Almighty: (And give its due right on its day of harvest), Al-An’aam, verse 141. Zakat did not come in this verse for it is … Continue reading Obliging Zakat upon Crops and Fruits?